

Wicca is more commonly known as Satanism or Shamanism. While shamanism has its basis (with druidism and half a dozen mythologies - whatever), Wiccanism has nothing to do with Satan , of course Wiccanism (like Satan) is directly opposed to the Catholic Church.


Wiccan principles permeate nature and the surrounding world, creating pure magical ritual there. This is why Wiccans are known as "witches" or "witches".




Wicca is a non-violent neo-pagan sect based on the core Anglo-Hindu idea of "Do what you will as long as you do no harm", which literally means "Do what you will, as long as it is not done". bother me." to hurt someone."it hurts." Despite this ideology, Wiccans are no more anarchist than others. Law is an important part of Wiccanism.


Wiccans are based on the principle of tolerance, respect for nature. Wicca claims that it is a process of living in peace with the environment, maintaining respect for others, as well as cooperation with them.

Another important principle of Wicca is the law of threefold return : everything you do will come back to you threefold, whether positive or negative.


Wicca is considered a religion in Canada, the United States, and the United Kingdom.



(Note: Beliefs and practices vary between monasteries.)


According to Wikipedia, these beliefs are summarized as follows:




Wiccans are very, very polymorphic and can vary greatly from person to person. However, there are a few key themes:




Very true and very important)


This is again very general. The most common equivalents are "purgatory" (which has a formal Old English ten-line name) and the afterlife where you go when you die..)







You need to know some important things to prepare for worship +++


First, make sure no one bothers you. This is very important. If someone you are not related to comes during your conversation with the devil, strange things can happen. (We're not actually talking to Satan, this is just an example.)


You should turn off your cell phones and TV to alert those around you that it is not time to disturb you.


You can also take a shower beforehand because it's always cold when you're resting.


There are people who take off their clothes when performing their rituals, but they work well when you are dressed. I RECOMMEND IT. It's not wise to be naked with complete strangers.



SECOND: Black is life. True. black color is very important during the ritual. You can never have enough black.


3) It works better outdoors because it's natural and all. It can work wherever you are, if you have enough energy.

But still don't worry.


4) A partial list of what Wiccans use in the holidays:

- a teapot or glass (I think a glass will do if you don't have anything better).

- a pentagram that serves to protect against strange sounds and goodbyes (it symbolizes protection from the elements of the earth, and in some cases Satanism.)

- magic blade (a commanding tool that doesn't cut. It's basically the same as a small magic sword. Works fine if the wand has the right glyphs.)

- incense (the smoke can change your mind), OPTIONAL, but very cool

- cutting knife, (after all, how else to remove the lamb?)

- "Book of Shadows" (it's a "workbook" with examples of spells, rituals...) is a VERY MEGA TASK.

If the tool you're using is old, it makes sense to clean it (you never know what the previous owners did with it). You can clean it and bury it underground or in a container of salt for a few days, or even better, soak it in the sea (ah, the famous power of salt).

Music and dance often accompany Wiccan ceremonies. Indeed ( AHEM) " Art opens the door to the unconscious, allowing the magician to increase his emotional investment."

When it comes to dancing, for example, you should go as you please without fear of being a joke (like when you're drunk at the end of the night).

5) You need a place to worship (for example, an altar or a pink candy table with candles for a birthday cake. It is recommended to use the left side of the altar as a goddess corner (I COME, NOT ALL AT THE SAME TIME) and what it represents : bowl, pentagram, bell, crystal, bowl, green candle...

The right side is God's side (AGAIN AGREE WITH THIS), where you can put phallic objects: incense, a magic wand, a magic knife or even a yellow candle.

You can customize your altar however you like, but any color, symbol, number, plant or stone means something.

There are 23 holidays in a year, 15 good, 4 minor, 3 major and 1 major. Today we leave for good.

So, 4 small:


Ostara: natural equality.

Ostara is celebrated on March 21, the day of the equinox (spirit). It is based on the German principle. Ostara represents time. It's a day of perfect balance, aiming for a better future and blah blah blah.



Burning: summer solstice.

Lita is celebrated on June 21. This is the celebration that gave birth to Saint-Jean. We burn things, it's cool. It is the embodiment of happiness, joy and everything else.


Mabon: autumnal equinox.

Mabon is celebrated on September 21. It means death, depression and many other happy events. This is a period of brooding and chronic depression.


Christmas: winter season.

It is celebrated on December 21. It is a celebration of hope and rebirth after the grief and sorrow of Mabo.


And the most important of Saturday:


Imbolc, purification.

It's a purification ritual, and if you miss it, you're technically unclean. Protective procedures are very popular today. It happens on February 1 or 2 - it doesn't really matter.


Beltane, joy and pyromania.

Beltane is the beginning of a bright and joyful season of life. We make a fire and everyone is very dangerous because it is a party around a very big fire. We also sacrifice animals (if that is too difficult). It's May 1.


Lughnasad, the world and everyone

This is a period of peace, business and general happiness. There is wedding, game and settlement (stability)++. It is a great pagan holiday. Lunasad is held on August 1.



Saturday is Halloween. It takes place on October 31 and represents the pagan new year. Leicester:

It is a dark and sad time as we chase away the negativity of the past year.





money :

It means better protection.

Provides strong protection against external aggression. It helps you see yourself more clearly. It encourages states of meditation and prayer.


It symbolizes the purity of emotions.

It causes an altered state of consciousness. It immerses a person in a beautiful environment. Stimulates connection with cosmic energy. In some cases it is called Bye Bye Man.


It expresses creativity.

Give inspiration. Promote healthy sleep and health. It increases the possibility of finding the truth.

Dark blue:

It symbolizes power.

It gives you a sense of control over your emotions. Increase your confidence and skills. It creates a feeling of omnipotence. It makes people megalomaniac.


It means safety.

It creates a sense of well-being. Help your pet recover. It gives peace and tranquility.


It means neutrality.

Gives more balance. It leads to the end of conflicts. Reduces negative effects.


It means mind.

Increases the ability to concentrate. Promotes brain activity. Awakens hidden abilities and talents.


It symbolizes strength.

Get rid of bad mood. Gives a feeling of power. It is effective in getting rid of bad habits. Better than all other colors.


Means protection (bad weather).

It gives a feeling of invincibility. This indicates a desire for guidance and enlightenment. It helps to find quick solutions to problems.


It symbolizes life.

Increases strength and endurance. Promotes physical activity by increasing energy. Dont sleep.


It symbolizes friendship and compassion.

Gives elegance and gentleness. Ensure good relations during friendly meetings. Gives light that promotes romance.


It symbolizes deep love.

It promotes productivity. The reason for true love. It gives courage, strength and power.


It symbolizes sexuality.

.... I will not tell you in detail.


It represents wisdom.

Increases self-esteem. Calms aggression and anger. Restores physical and mental balance.


It symbolizes physical health and money.

Promotes healing ability. Bring abundance. Increases wealth.

Dark green:

It means mental health.

It helps in the development of mental and predictive abilities. Controls or removes jealousy and envy. It helps in personal development and self-esteem.


It expresses spirituality.

Make way for the dead. It increases the power of spiritual communication. He preaches prophetic dreams and visions.


This is so.

Good night :)


PS: A circle is needed for tradition. True. I can't tell you much because everyone is different.

the internet is full :/





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